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Buy Horoscope Through Email Online
Buy Horoscope Through Email Online
  • Product ID: HO-HM
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Find out your complete astrological report with comprehensive natal chart data along with description of the basic planetary configurations present in your life and how they affect you. 

In this report you will get your Principal characteristics: 

  1. How You React Emotionally & Mentally
  2. What Kinds of Occupations That Are Best Suited 
  3. Type of Health
  4. The Kind of Person You Should Marry, the Nature of Spouse,
  5. The Principal Advantages,
  6. The Chief Faults, the Type of Mind and General Outlook,
  7. The Biggest Dangers,
  8. The Planet Which Rules the Sign, Monetary Position,
  9. Education, Knowledge,
  10. Diseases, Enemies,
  11. Savings, Expenses Etc. 

This report is available in 4 languages viz. English/Hindi/Marathi/Gujarati.

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