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Yearly Report
Yearly Report
  • Product ID: NU-YR
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Yearly Numerology Prediction Report

The Study of numbers and their influences on us is known as Numerology.

Numerology deals with the prediction of the future with the help of numbers. It caters to the basic desire of almost all human beings to take a peek into the future.

In this yearly report you will get your psyche, destiny number along with in depth analysis of your personality type, your characteristics ranging from your thinking, reasoning, emotions, philosophy, desires, aversions, health, career, etc., your relationship & compatibility with the other psyche, destiny number. 

It will also give you the recommendations of astrological remedies.

The Greek Mathematician and Philosopher Pythagoras has laid the foundation of what we know now as Numerology.

In Numerology, the analysis of the numbers, and the occult manner in which they reveal certain aptitudes and their temperament tendencies, as a vital part of the celestial plan.

To unchain the secrets that the numbers hold you need the date of birth of an individual and full name as inputs.

Nowadays, Numerology is a slight combination of diverse Systems: Babylonian, Hebrew, Chinese, Egyptian, Indian Vedas and many more. It is possible to determine what type of person you are and what paths you might take in your lifetime, using Basic techniques with your birth date.

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