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Three Tier Tortoise
Three Tier Tortoise
  • Product ID: FNG-17
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Tortoise is a great symbol of longevity, and is highly demanded by many who wish to live long healthy lives. The Tortoise is also a Feng shui representation of safeguard and immunity to bad intentions.

 The tortoise, being one of the four celestial animals (among the Dragon, Phoenix and Tiger), is much revered by the Feng Shui followers as a creator of solidity, sustenance and perseverance.

For those who display a Tortoise in the North sector of their home or office it will reap the many rewards that this celestial creature has to offer.

Where to place:-

There are many ways in which the Tortoise can be used in a Feng Shui manner around the home or office:

You can activate descendant luck by placing three tier tortoise in west zone of your bed room

Display this tortoise in north zone of your home or business place to improve career luck, job opportunities or new business. It helps in getting new clients for your business

Tortoise is good cure for illness when placed in east sector of your home

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